
Bitcoin to C. Model A-I. Predictive Modeling Pt 16. Suppression?

This is a continuation thread of the theoretical geometricc linear regression from 3.22.18, "Bitcoin to C". The modeling sequence starts at; Model A, and runs thru Model I. Model I is the newest Model. Each model is strictly built off of the preceding model's geometricc regression points. The regression points from each model, creates a geometricc pattern of indicators in various forms, that can be read to PREDICT future trend movement, before traditional indicators appear.

I am going to try my best to explain, as we go... There will be lots of bubbles with text. Explaining each move and why and how I make prediction cones, and patterns using geometricc boundary lines and regression modeling. This is A FULLY EXPERIMENTAL MODEL. Take it for what it is worth. I will continue to make these charts regardless of comments or jabs. They are made for a specific purpose and until my purpose is fulfilled, they will keep being made.

The idea here is to convince you, that what i am doing is not arbitrary but unique and useful. I know the immediate inclination is to doubt what I am doing. That is expected.. and understandable.. But human nature is unpredictable. And you never know when you can learn new things and be completely shocked at someones EXTREMELY insane ideas.. I like going against the norm.. If you like these 'Ideas' let me know! If you hate them. Let me know!

So, watch what I do.. Ask questions, I will try my best to answer them.. if you are confused on how I got to Model A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I. Skim thru my old charts start from 3.22.18. It is about modeling sequencing, and appropriate modeling coherence, and understanding the human brain. This is part 16.

Red Bubbles = the past.
Blue Bubbles = Now + the predicted future.
Statistical Outliers = Emotions + and/or Market Manipulation.
Green Flags = Geometricc Convergence Indicators
Converging Geometricc indicators = DROP
Diverging Geometricc indicators = RISE

Understand the application of my modeling technique is not traditional by any means. It is theoretical in nature, and 100% experimentally designed and applied by me as we continue this insane experiment day after day.. It was not built for financial analysis, at all. I have literally 0 background in trading, TA's or anything to do with accounting or the stock market. It is being applied, through intuitive and creative means for fun so I could keep up with bitcoin and ethereum personally, and invest for myself.. I promise I will make many mistakes making these non-traditional TA's, or even incorrectly use traditional tools and indicators. That is the fun of it, to learn from scratch and apply another idea to a realm unknown to you. This is unknown to me..

So, what do you see this 15 min chart?

I see patterns and shapes and colors, Market Manipulation and Statistical Outliers, a MM suppression zone, geometric oscillations, and a big event coming soon..
I see connects, and intersects, convergence and divergent boundary lines, but what does it all mean?..What if I said half these constructs are made up by me, and the others are constructs known to the social world. Suppression is the idea of a battle, either artificial or human that consists of zone that has insane resistance between one another. Geometric oscillations are the pulse of a period time and it changes often; it is subjective to time.

Well created theoretical construction hinges on the belief that you can coherently piece constructs together to create a multi-dimensional framework that builds off itself, with only small patch work. The operator has to know the foundational ins and outs of that framework in order to apply it. All frameworks that are created from scratch have to be build up on a stable foundation of knowledge, and re-tested for validity and patch work. No framework comes out the mind complete, so understand that. This is an incomplete framework being built as we go.
Thanks for looking,

Closer shot of the possible suppression box I created..

It fits.. PERFECTLY. I got caught spacing out looking this.. or maybe it is just the ganja?.. Do you see what i see? or am i bat-shit crazy?..

Different angle.. same stuff.

wow... talk about a perfect sine line with the trend.. who would of thought that would of worked.. 0_o

Following the background geometric oscillations like perfectly.. lets see if the down sine line stays true..

oohhhh it very much looks like the next pump may be on the next sine wave... :) but it is just a guess.. the first blast was RIGHT ON the sine wave.

This is intense.. we are almost there..

3 min chart, ultra close.

Ok so i must admit, I was wrong about my chosen space for Rendering Model I. It was rejected once we reached that global intersect line at midnight (for me). A rule to modeling cones, is that you can not alter them at their foundation but a peak can be placed opposite geometrically.. Another rule is that if there is an outlier, changing the shape peak of a model, can not cancel out the set in place Outlier. The outlier must stay an outlier at it's exact points.

Well..A change of the peak keeps to those rules, for Model I and it has effectively been re-rendered.. Geometric orthogonality and outlier coherence.

The amazing thing is, by misplacing the Model I cone i inadvertently found a suppression zone and a geometric oscillation heartbeat at this particular timeframe...

Not even mad.. look closely at the new placement. Intersect boundary is not moved.

Yep Divergent boundary appeared.. Model I works perfectly with the peak moved to the right spot..

We may stay along the divergent boundary line or idk.. it will do something, i am tired.

Geodivergent vector has emerged..

I moved back the suppression zone from the outer limits of Model I, so we can see the travel through the divergent vector.

We will have a new rendering zone today, later tonight. We need more data.

We should really hit the uptrend lower boundary for an ideal situation to occur.

Geodivergent vector is still holding true.. I am going to be looking to render Model J soon.

Following the rules of the modeling sequence, this is what i got.

A new projection cone, which will soon become Model J. As of this moment it will act as rendering of Model J. I will be making a new idea soon.

I am going to stick to my rendering projection. New Model J formed.

Will continue this on new idea.


