
BTC Time Cycle Analysis

There has been some great Bitcoin charts that have been shared recently and it's pretty obvious that there is a wedge / triangle pattern coming to a point, so we should see a big move in the next week odd. But taking a step back to look at the longer term chart patterns I thought this time cycle analysis might provide a good glimpse of what could be possible in the future.

Ironically without taking into account Bitcoin halving, nor stats on active wallets or any technical Crypto data the simple time cycle chart has been very effective in picking 5 most recent major troughs. Going back before that it also identifies a pro-longed double bottom in 2015 but before this time it's not as accurate. Even so, to be able to nail 5 of the most recent bottoms in a row is a pretty amazing track record which I feel makes this analysis definitely worth paying attention to!

Dotted green vertical = the cycle high
Dotted red vertical = the bottom that follows from cycle high

In majority of cases the peak runs right up very close to the end of the cycle and many cases it's then a fast fall. The next major trough is in the beginning of August 2022, which means there is a high chance this next run will last until roughly July or beginning of August and then another big fall.

Special mention to BTCINVESTING as his most recent analysis (refer linked chart) takes into account halving events for his time cycle analysis and gives a top of June - July 2022, which if correct would also validate my argument for a swift fall to the bottom in August.

