
Bitcoin noisy short term mess, STAY OBJECTIVE

Bitcoin is under a lot of FUD for some time now. Some journalists write article in popular journals / blog / social platforms to demonize it, but they do not understand it, nor did research about it. They simply report what they have been briefly told, what the popular opinion (sentiment shifted bearish past weeks) agrees with. Regulators are disrupted, they seek solution, which is bullish or bearish depending on one's interpretation.

People are uncertain in general. Alot did not do researches and bought the top without learning about the tech. Now they have lost money and are exiting the markets in anger. Long term price, I strongly believe, is going up, short term these dips are sentiment driven and unpredictable.

Past few years price have reversed around these times, it's still likely that a bottom is in IMO.

See here: https://gyazo.com/dc2940f32ddd2e73058097a2343b68aa
Bottom was, for past years, between January 15 and 20. So I am well open to the possibility that we have seen the bottom at 9k on january 17.

I don't have a crystal ball, I'm just open to every possible scenario. Short term we could get fucked or we could be on the verge of the next bullish parabolic wave, have no idea. I'm holding, and getting ready to buy more bitcoins if we hit 7.5k.

Be prepared to every possibility, stay safe fam, good success!

