
Update on my earlier ideas on Bitcoin.

For context : read my ideas past ideas on the relation between BTC - eclipse and Elon musk.
Notice how the -solar eclipse- was at 20-4 "Elon's fav number"
2/4/2023 :Before the eclipse Elon tweeted a picture of a rocket launching upside down the background was -day light / sunny-
30/4/2023 : Before the COMING Lunar eclipse around 4-6 may. Elon tweeted a picture of AGAIN a crashing downwards rocket/something. The background was -night/moon-.
Interesting is that this exact period when many important FED events and decisions will take place.
I quote Elon:" the most entertaining/ironic outcome is the most likely. As seen from an external observer, not the participants."

Interesting times ahead!

