
BTCUSDT, Bears are still more powerful 



Hello everybody

If you want to training fundamental and technical analysis from beginner to professional you can send us messages in private and our id in social media is in profile.

We backed with another analysis of Bitcoin in these days, If you are not following us and do not know what is our previous analysis is what please go and read the explaination to understand this analysis that is base of fundamental and technical and macroeconomy view.

According to the chart and our serial previous analysis, the price done the stop hunter but the important thing is INFLATION.
in last week the repot inflation of December was published and its a little more than their predicted and a little higher than November, but what does it mean ?
When the inflation was published 7% its more than they think and this mean the people in the world, they have no desire to investment in risky markets like crypto like gold like stock or ... and that markets are ready to dump but this report its not much more than they predicted and because of that the market is ranging until now and we have no powerful movement.
The most important other thing in market is the whale of BTC are buying Bitcoin and rising their balance of wallet, and this means their wanna move the price in future because they are saving a lot,but this is our view from this movement of whale and only this is our analysis and what our think.
From the technical view until the price is trading below the orange trendline we shown on chart the bears are still more powerful than bullers and the price should drop more and more and more.
We advices do not trade btc in this time just hold it and if you dont have any BTC wait until make this clear.

If you have any other question send us messages in private

Good Luck

Previous analysis :

where do you see that the whales are accumulating (buying) now? thanks
@simplejoe1, You can check their transaction to the wallets or you can check the data of other sites and platform that analysis it
@Abtin00, i tried but could not find much except the 3rd biggest whale which has been accumulating since 60k. which platform/metric do you recommend? thanks!
@simplejoe1, You can use cryptoquant for the chart analysis and coinglass this 2 platform is amazing for fundamental data
@Abtin00, i'm looking there. could not find anything about whales. which graph/metric are you referring to? thank you
@simplejoe1, go to blockexplorer and in every blockchain you search it and find your answer for moving of the whale
@Francisco190033, Hello my friend, thanks for your attention
Excellent work and excellent graph. Most people would not see the resistance btc is already encountering. More downside expected first.
@ClearOpenDoor, Hello buddy, at first thanks for your attention