Plain and Simple Bitcoin Daily Analysis - 3/6/21 - BTCUSDT
Plain and Simple Bitcoin Daily Analysis - 3/6/21 - BTCUSDT
Very undecieded week-end, starting with enough confidence to drop the market. Yesterday, i did a short update before the "pump", but was not confinced that we would go over the 50K resistence.
Right now, we might stick to my green drawing, with a ranging price between 48900 and 50100
I'm keeping my blue line however for the 46K drop.
Market is totally ranging . In the middle.
However, the 1 hour charts shows some weakness.
Most probable scenario is by then the break to the downside
It's "weak" - end, so, expect 46K, most probably
Stay safe.
And remember, the market is a, trying to take the money right out of your pocket for a cheap and short moment of pleasure.
See you all tomorrow, and don't forget to ......
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