BTC (daily chart) may find bottom by 2023-06-06, after there is more historical data available.
BTC weekly chart:
BTC may find bottom by 2023-06-06 (daily) (2022-01 to 2024-01):
BTC repeating trend of 2022-07 & 2022-08 (possible double bottom or "longer flatter bottom", before the steady rise to the estimated peak of 2025-01):
BTC may stop declining before 2023-12. BTC weekly 2022-03 to 2023-08 BTC weekly chart from 2022-03 to 2023-08 reflects a $36666.66 to $15666.66 zone for 2023-04 (see green dashed-line). However, the strongest resistance zones, based off of today's historical data (on 2023-02-28), reflect a $32666.66 to $15666.66 zone for 2023-08-28 (see pink dashed-line).