Hello everyone, a lot of time has passed since the last review. I would like to start with the fact that the MM continues to carry the market exhaustingly in two directions, while updating the lows of the price. It would seem that the market looks as short as possible, we will all be rolled away by 30k, and maybe even lower...
But what is really happening?
Credit loans are breaking through peak values, the market is teeming with fear, shortists are gaining more and more strength.
Doesn't it remind you of anything? How about summer 21? All the top traders instilled and shouted about 20k...
While liquidity (mere mortals) was losing their funds, MM gained strength, increased its positions and continued to put people in shorts.
How did it all turn out?
Bitcoin overcame distances of 10k points in a day on huge volumes thanks to the same shortists and updated a maximum of 67k.
I think this is the last take-out before the market reversal, I marked the area where I plan to gain a position.
Cancellation of the scenario will fix and leave below 35800