Right Action vs Results

We've been talking about results and making many mentions of this word and I would like to clear a few things out.

While at the end of the cycle we will definitely have to consider our results, it is truly not about results but right action. Focusing too much on results can lead us astray.

We set a target and take action.
Our actions should be composed of the right action.
We take action and detach and the results will come on their own.

You do your own thing. You take care of your task.
You let the market take care of the rest.

You do your planning. You buy your pairs.
You then let the market take care of the rest.

The results will come but good or bad results will depends on the type of action we perform.
If we perform the right type of action we will be blessed with good results.
If we perform wrong action our trades will go wrong.

The focus should be on doing the right thing at the right time.
Should I sell or should I hold?

If the right action is to sell and you perform this action, results will come on their own accord.
If we perform the wrong type of action we will end up with poor result.

Focus on right action.
Right action will lead to positive results.


