Market sessions and liquidity

Volatility is a measure of how much a market moves up and down over time. It's an important factor to consider when trading, because it can have a big impact on your profits (or losses).

Liquidity is another important factor to consider when trading. It refers to the ease with which you can buy or sell a security. A liquid market is one where there are plenty of buyers and sellers, and prices don't change too much. A illiquid market is one where there are fewer buyers and sellers, and prices can change dramatically.

So, what does market volatility tell you about its participants?
Well, it can give you an idea of how confident they are. If a market is volatile, it means that participants are constantly buying and selling, which can be a sign of confidence. On the other hand, if a market is relatively stable, it may mean that participants are content to hold onto their positions for a longer period of time.

Volatility can also give you an idea of how informed the participants are. If a market is moving up and down a lot, it means that participants are constantly reacting to new information. In contrast, if a market is relatively stable, it may mean that participants have a good understanding of the underlying conditions and aren't as easily swayed by new information.

So, what does market liquidity tell you about its participants?
Liquidity is important because it affects how easy it is to buy or sell a security. If a market is liquid, it means that there are plenty of buyers and sellers and prices don't change too much. This can be a sign that participants are confident in the market and expect prices to stay around the same level.
Beyond Technical AnalysisFundamental Analysisliquiditymarketstructuresessions


