For Friday, 77.59 - 78.58 can contain selling through next week, above which 82.70 is likely over the next 3 - 5 days, possibly yielding 87.65 - 88.19 over the next 3 - 5 weeks.
Upside Friday, 80.26 can contain intraday strength, beyond which 82.70 is attainable intraday and able to contain buying through next week.
A daily settlement above 82.70 indicates 87.65 - 88.19 within another full week of trade, where the market can top out into spring trade.
Downside Friday, closing below 77.59 signals 75.22 within several days, 72.15 attainable within a full week, where the market can bottom out on a weekly basis and the point to settle below for clearly indicating 67.14 long-term support over the following full week of activity.
Anthony Speciale, founder of Speciale Analysis offers an affordable approach for all traders to grow into their highest potential.
Anthony Speciale, founder of Speciale Analysis offers an affordable approach for all traders to grow into their highest potential.