I imagine this... probably ... and it’s just the beginning.
According to the indicator at the base of the advisor Marketmiracle the CLVS stock is accumulating capitals and is ready for an explosion.
Clovis Oncology is one of the best-selling low-cost titles but produces a drug capable of improving the lives of cancer patients worldwide.
Clearly the money devoted to biotech and pharmaceutical companies during the covid period was directed to vaccine manufacturers but now, that the clouds are clearing up and the covid danger seems to have drifted away, it seems to be heading back to what are the possible cures for the diseases of the century, namely cancer, This is also demonstrated by the recent rise in prices of AHT, which is a cancer care company ( see related idea)
I imagine a movement of the title as the one indicated in the graph, but I have the feeling that it will only be the beginning, the company a few years ago priced much but much more and its trails are successful as demonstrated by the recent results.
Investing in a society like this is also a way to help medicine and the entire human race..
I did a search on the fundamental analysis sites that I use as a reference and it seems according to their analysts that the current price of Clovis Oncology is absolutely below the right value, which is given around 50 USD