Good Saturday night to everyone!

What's happening now? The Central Bank of the Russian Federation continues to keep the ruble exchange rate in manual control, which is why we are observing a protracted lateral movement.
But now we will not dive into the fundamental wilds of why, why and who benefits from it, but just see what our trading system says. Especially yesterday we were all very emotionally stressed:)

So there are still two key magnets on the system at the top - on ~ 11.3 and ~ 13.3
Before that, it is likely that there may be a decrease in the green zone by 6.5-7.3, where you can rebalance the foreign exchange portfolio, that is, add more yuan.

At the same time, you need to understand that markets, like a world device, are now staggering and moving extremely high frequency, so any deal now is a risk!
Calculate the risks in advance so that the psyche is intact in cases where everything does not go according to plan.

* This post is not investment advice
