Coinbase Global

Time proves how accurate is the analysis!

I asked my followers not to participate in any opening day, why???
because I reviewed all the IPOed stocks in the past 3 years..! 80-85% will go down between 30-90% in a couple of weeks or months..!
Even big names did the same, do not believe ??? continue reading:
If you read this you will never participate in any IPO..!

Should I buy Coinbase tomorrow?

Please review my comments about BMBL!

this is the result of research-backed trades..!
Interesting? not?
Learn From Past Experiences, History repeats itself in different ways!
don't believe it?
look at this:
History tends to repeats itself..!

Still don't believe?
I can not do anything to convince you not to put your money in the wrong place, you are good prey for the wolves of Wallstreet.

