Chevron Corporation


This is my forecast leading up to earnings. I might just paper trade this on interactive brokers. The hefty dividend yield coupled with the beta less than 1 isn't sufficiently enticing for me to go through with buying calls. The stars don't always align. This is why I follow certain step to ascertain the likelihood of making a profit with options. Although these steps aren't statically rigorous they have helped me develop an efficient methodology.

Everything starts with the pattern then we look for beta that is at least one, Market cap > $15 B and dividend yield < 2%. The next step is to identify the IV percentile, I like to use market chameleon. Reminder you want to be buying options in a low IV environment and selling options in a high one. Next you select the previous high or previous low depending on if it's a call or a put you are buying to open and you use that high or low as your strike price. These are my steps for buying to open calls and puts.


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