
coffee, not copper, as an indication of the economy 

Dow Jones Commodity CoffeeDJ


hello everyone,

as we see the price of coffee run wild for years and coming to an interesting (rocky) plateau, we may be able to better quantify the effects of the economy "running hot" as seen by the consumption of caffeine.

- if rising costs of coffee comes in conjunction with other rising costs, inflation, gasoline, general higher cost of living, and tightening budgets, due to the fact that coffee is seen as a need more than a want.

- then the cost of coffee is relative to the level of caffeine addiction/ dependency, we may be able to neatly define micro labor market trends in the short term.

in short the need for personal energy is relative to the price action of coffee.

if the major bear case of burry style 08' fallout was to occur, this might be a leading indicator.
