
"Inflation-Adjusted" Dow

I really wanted to know what assets would look like if there weren't trillions of dollars printed since the start of last year.

So I started my quest with the Dow and ended my quest with the Dow. I no longer desire to know such things.

What I did hear was a simple transformation by multiplying the dollar index (DXY) by DJI to account for the continuous changes in USD's purchasing power.

The results speak volumes because they express what has happened over the past year in real terms.

That is, in reality, the Dow Jones Industrial Average has yet to achieve an all-time high. The main implication that I find to be technically compelling is that it suggests the possibility of the first selloff (Feb 2020 - Mar 2020) being the first wave in a series of five; not a corrective/intervening movement.

Wonder what the other assets look like when "inflation adjusted."


