
Dow Jones

I have put before you what I perceive to be the DJIA analysis based on EW. Since the DJIA history is far more complex and goes way way back even before we had any sort of exchange in India, I have taken the Liberty of avoiding the minute/minor waves as the Chart would get tooooo Messy.
However, I have marked out the wave counts from 29568, and so far it is playing to the HILT as per EW.
On the Current wave going ON on DJIA. We have completed i/3 and are currently in ii/3 down. This ii/3 can be calculated @ 38.2 to 61.8% of the ENTIRE RISE from 18213 to 36679. If you calculate it, you will get a figure of 29600 @ 38.2% retracement. However I have gone just a Little bit below to show it as a THROW UNDER which it will do to throw out every BULL.
The WORLD is Totally Bearish and BULL MARKETS are created on FEAR ( covid) ( ukrain) etc etc. History shows and Each One of you needs to see this..... whenever Interest rates have Risen, Markets have had a Temporary BLIP downwards, but in the subsequent years have given a CAGR of almost 12% more or less.
To Me, it seems like WORLD MARKETS WILL ALLIGN WITH THE DOW JONES NOW. They are all going to move forward in very similar directions/patterns/trends. Nifty will align with the DJIA as both are in wave ii/3 currently. Once the Divergence on Both comes to some sort of Same Level...... markets are likely to take off.

