For the SO MANY of YOU who think we are in a BEAR MARKET.................... Yes........... we will get our whipsaws @ OS/OB conditions..... but get ready to be SURPRISED................. In FACT the Surprise should have been at 16800.....when I said..... GO LONG for ATH. Yes.... In between my instincts get the better of Me and instead of reminding you all of the Larger Picture.... I do tend to get carried away and initiate Shorts..... like I did yesterday. Mr PARASURAM is witness to that as he was online with Me. I shared all the levels with him as I traded. Let me remind you all............ we are in a SECULAR BULL MARKET..... I am a firm believer of this. It is time to invest into LAGGARDS............ especially PENNY/FORGOTTEN stocks. BCG is a typical example of this. I had told TV 1234 time and over again to invest into it at thr Lower Circuit of 9/40 paisa........... its UP 50+% since..... there are soooo many others which you all can invest into.. Small/ Penny caps are the LAST to RUN..... but when they do.... BOY OH BOY !!!!!!!!!!!!! Its more like Catch Me if you Can. Have the Courage..... you all have weathered the Storm... so what are you guys afraid of ??????