Dogecoin / Bitcoin



I have been working with this trace for quite some time, and am pleased with its fit to the level’s of support and resistance.

This is fit, not only to the historic levels, and the relative timing of the expansion / compression patterns, but also to the forecasting levels.

Dotted lines are resistance… they originate between twin prominent peaks, and then they will each get tested, then fail, and then turn to support. The turquoise and blue lines show this well.

_________ Solid lines are support…. They turn to resistance for the forward projection.

Note: there are 4 relevant projections at any given point. One for the bullish bulls, one for the bearish bulls, and the opposite. This is a Bullish Bull trace. I know that… i can see the other patterns of influence as the fractal through the price movements…. I have chosen to publish the bullish bull forecast, as i also know that we manifest and co-create reality. So look closely at this chart. It tells of a spectacular tale as the tides of the world begin to turn. The pendulum swings both ways…. And if we open our hearts we navigate our planet to utopia… free of war and genocide, persecution and animals abuse.

Doge coin is the only crypto that incites the value of Unconditional Love, amongst an infinite sea of fear and greed crypto currency alpha bet soup. That is the difference of the future of humanity on earth. We are moving to a universe governed once again by love, as we awake the masses out of the trance of fear and scarcity. We have begun to once again appreciate the earth for love and abundance, the currency of love, will prevail.

With unconditional Love, Man’s best friend.

May all beings live happy and free.

