Even Ol' Muskey can't save this one. Doge looks like it'll dump on the completion of this H&S
Coming back to test the neckline now
So it came back over the neckline (trade still valid, didn't hit the SL at the top of the right shoulder). Then immediately formed another head and shoulders on the 5m chart. Down again... another bounce. Volume is very low on these swing ups so I'm still holding the trade to my target
Looks like right shoulder may be hit here, we'll see shortly
It just pipped the stop loss there, so calling this trade a fail. Lesson for next time is to take 50% profit on a fib half way, as it would have broken even nicely
annoyingly it actually hit SL on the PERP futures on binance. But on this chart it didn't hit the right shoulder SL. So it may still be dropping, especially since it hit off the power candle, and the daily open. Oh well!