Smart money knows when the pumps will happen and unless you have that knowledge you will get burnt.
If its a game you want to play, get involved with the pump groups.
This graph is my idea of dodge selling pressure, don't take it too seriously.
The red line is the ultimate support (the bottom half of the pitchfork means nothing)
I've simply tried to illustrate the selling pressure.
People, please don't lose your capital buying the Dodge coin.
You want to be in at the very start of a pump, or even better before a pump.
I believe it will move towards the red line, this is like a magnet between pumps. However, I would not recommend shorting at these levels.
Short when the price is again up in the black (or even red), because for sure it will come down again.
If shorting, be prepared for the pumps to go higher than expected (use low leverage).
Only buy when selling pressure subsides.
Dodge can be a fun coin to trade but choose your entries and exits,
Hope this helps someone