
Stronger US Dollar vs EURO

Clearly, the US dollar starts a new bullish rally against Euro.
How could we benefit from this?
we can use leveraged ETFs, like EUO (2x) exposure

This ETF is designed for investors looking to bet against the performance of the euro relative to the U.S. dollar or to hedge against existing euro exposure. EUO utilizes daily leverage, meaning that its objective involves achieving amplified returns over a single trading session, and that performance over multiple sessions may not correspond to the target multiple. Given the targeted focus and use of leverage, EUO is probably not appropriate for most investors; it should never be used in a long-term portfolio and makes sense only for those with the willingness and ability to monitor and rebalance their portfolio regularly. For those looking to make a bet against the eurozone currency, this fund can be useful, but, for most investors, it shouldn't be used at all. ULE offers a way to bet on the euro, while DRR, an ETN, offers generally similar exposure.

