
4 major currencies meltdown

I see very much potential warning alert signal of 4 major currencies of the world.

4 major currencies that I am concerning are Dollar Japanese yen Euro & British Pound.

I was seeing major upgrade of dollar index and stronger dollar but after I hearing Fed's seminar last week and analyzed quadrople charts of yen euro dollar gbp and my decision to made to short all major 4 currencies.

rapidly decline of 4 major currencies occured by soverign debt dafults or major central bank policy mistakes. I will consider major mistake will be the troublemaker and trigger.
93 can be the first target to be reached.
this is monthly candle analysis. see it for long term.
I won't post short trade usually.
I see som weird consequence which dollar crash will occur market crash also even though techincall it goes oppositely by the theory. please despite the major theory. unprecendented scene could appear soon.

