1. 3. 21 this was a detailed discussion of the dollar...DXY. This is an important video because of the way I characterize the market, and from that characterization I can manage the market. My internal dialogue is predicated mostly on a narrow range box. every aspect that box includes my ability to measure the range and select the outliers, and for 2 weeks I can make trading decisions that can make me money or keep me out of trouble. This is an important video. One caveat about this is that I started the video describing arrange box, and I stated that some Traders may scalp it exit trades do the buyers and the sellers, and the range box helps you with those parameters. I assume that there are trade who scalped it it could have made two or three thousand dollars scalping if they chose to be that trader. I am using the range box to focus on the low volatility and to avoid hello opportunity market so that I can focus when markets with a better, higher probability trade with much greater reward.The analysis can work equally well for scalpers, and Traders who are looking for bigger rewards. Please note, it's very difficult for me to write Lee explanation without making mistakes. I simply do not have the time for this section of the video, and I cannot make the time to correct every typo, otherwise I won't do these videos.