
EGI Speculative Play

Entre Gold is my one and only speculative micro-cap miner that I discovered while reviewing annual reports and earnings conference calls for a small streaming company called Sandstorm (SAND).

Sandstorm is a streaming company that was founded by Nolan Watson, who was an executive director for Silver Wheaton, and he was directly responsible for building SLW into a very successful streaming business.

A few years ago I reviewed a video presentation from Nolan, and he promoted the idea of buying EGI as a very long term investment. The company, at the time, was an exploratory stage company, with big holdings in a very large gold deposit in Mongolia called Oyu Tolgoi. The operation also has a big footprint with major ownership by Rio Tinto.

In a nutshell, it has taken a number of years to move the project through the feasibility stages to get final approval. A few years ago, Nolan Watson specifically stated that it would not be profitable for 5-7 years, but he was confident enough to take a very large ownership stake in the company, and hold on to it to fruition of the project.

Nolan Watson is a very knowledgeable CEO, and what he said was very compelling. Based on his comments he has encouraged me to take on a small $1000 speculative position in my Roth IRA, where I plan to hold it untouched for 5-10 years.

If the project pans out as Nolan predicted, Entre Gold could easily hit it's previous high of $3.65 per share in the next few years, and in 10 years it could be substantially higher. Plus, an added benefit would be the tax free advantage provided by the Roth IRA.

Do your own Due Diligence, and stay tuned for the next few years to see how this experiment in progress turns out.
Interesting background information from Rio Tinto:
Recent background information regarding EGI:
Background information for Nolan Watson:
