The daily chart shows ENJ cleared trend resistance at $1.7800 on the 20th. Furthermore, the price pulled back and bounced from trend support after breaking out, reinforcing its validity. After successfully retesting the trend, Ejin surged above the September high of $2.3325, now the first support. Below $2.3325, the 20, 50, 100, and 200-DMA’s join the trend (now at $1.6600) to create significant confluent support.

However, the Relative Strength Index (RSI) reading of 78.05 tells us the rally is overdone in the near term. On the other hand, cryptocurrencies have a habit of over-extending for long periods before correcting. Nonetheless, the elevated RSI reading could be significant. If Enjin coin retraces below $2.3325, it could trigger a reversal, targeting the trend support. But for now, the likeliest scenario is a squeeze higher, which in my opinion, will ultimately prove unsustainable. However, as long as ENJ holds $2.3325, it will likely go higher, but a close below $2.3325 could derail the immediate bullish outlook.

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