EOS / Bitcoin


It's about time to get really frkn bullish on alts...
They are about to get on a rocket, go past the moon, get sucked through a black hole and transported to another dimension, where they will land on a different moon...

The complacency rally is coming in the other markets, now that the trillionaires have left...
People will be hungry to find places where they believe their wealth can grow. Greed will take over.

I believe crypto will get blamed for the financial collapse that is to come. But first, everyone gets to buy some.
XRP is a big deal.
All the FOMO coins really.

Things you might hear:
"The banks are going to use Ripple."
"Tangle is better than blockchain."
"EOS is the new Ethereum."
"The flippening is coming." (For ETH, BCH, BSV and probably XRP.)
"Bitcoin Gold is going to be the gold of crypto."

