標普500 E-mini期貨

Building a Market Profile

Traded really well yesterday, my longs which were underwater went green around the gamma -/+ flip zone.
ES - Volatility Contraction Pattern

I'm building a stronger position into JAN as we likely will continue to base around the 20D MA and burn stops maybe as low as 4602 would be my guess.

The reason I was so bullish yesterday was because of growing evidence that VIX would compress into the EOY as tax trade ends and new seasonality flows return.
Following the Croissant Crumbs

Over the holidays I plan to look at Delta-Sticky skew that Cem Karsan mentioned in the latest podcast and his tweet yesterday.

Here is SPX during Feb 2016 to get a sense for the capitulation around the 20D/50D we just did that last few days before yesterdays rally.

Merry Christmas all. Hope you have good trades.

Not Financial Advice. Just Following the Flow.

short squeezes right into christmas rally. yay!

2 possible outcomes.

1. we come back down to fill in the gap and consolidate 4650 for a balanced distribution.
2. stay above 4670 for another double distribution day.

