標普500 E-mini期貨

S&P 500 E-mini Futures (ES1!)

Price for the futures has been consolidating above the previous high, from the current fall we experienced after the very tall COVID-19 rebound. A much needed pullback was needed considering we came off the bottom of March extremely fast. We are still in an overall uptrend, confirming that with price not falling below the $300 level with the pullback and staying above, with a fake-out towards the end of the fall.

Overall a uptrend is still intact, this simply could mean a dip. Staying above the previous high with current fundamentals in tact; NY started phase 1 reopening, China said it would start to be the biggest buying in soybeans again (Trade Deal), higher consumer sentiment and spending gradually increasing along with jobs slowly coming back is all progress forward. The jobs number won't immediately go back to where they were quickly, that major factor has been priced into the market. I believe all funds and major players are aware they wont come back as fast but doesn't mean we aren't making positive growth.

Currently the dollar is getting extremely hurt from this but is inversely related to the growth of the S&P. A ton of money was being pumped into the economy all over the world mostly in USD or debt that was formed to USD. The Euro of course has followed the exact path of the market and has been booming. All countries invest between each other within their respected Treasuries. Seeing the central banks are inside the Treasury, makes sense the banks are then in control of investments coming into the country and vice versa as we invest in other countries through bond offerings.


