Eth could Overtake BTC, But Total Crypto still likely to fall


Ladies and Fellers
I believe crypto is doomed in total from a macro level !
While the total market cap falls, I believe the Eth merge will create an interesting scenario that will have Eth overtake BTC in Dominance...

So, what does that look like?

2 Scenarios :

Scenario 1: Eth will likely continue up in price while BTC falls in price.... remember total crypto market cap is still falling.
meaning Eth will top out likely between 40ish % and 60ish % .....

Scenario 2: Eth remains about the same in price while everything else tumbles, so price would not move much however dominance would continue up while everything else drops off in price.......

Thats my new focus I will likely stop using Eth as my regular trading coin since right now I enjoy shorting.........

Also note those projections are just showing direction not intended for target levels, chart is to help people understand the concept

