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Technical analysis on Ethereum against Bitcoin

Looking at a longer term perspective, through the use of a Day chart instead of hourly or minutes chart, we can see that ethereum is appreciating against bitcoin. The consecutive green candles together with the candles approaching the 20 days EMA are a sign of strong bullishness and I feel it will continue for awhile. There might be some retracement here and there, but I think ethereum will gain strength against BTC. Continue holding 50/50 Ethereum and Bitcoin because I feel that although ethereum will do fairly well against BTC in the long run, in these period within 1-2 months, I feel BTC might appreciate more because of how the news are stacked BTC. Either way, ETH is still my favourite long hold coin and I'm always having 50% of my portfolio in Ethereum. The idea of 50/50 is to diversify your portfolio and reduce overall risks.

