
$eth couple ideas

theres alot of long positions open, and eth tied up in defi, people playing with wrapped eth and btc...
i would think its not unlikely for us to wipe a large portion of those longs, for 2015/2016/2017 often when everything went up together and everyone was winning for 6 weeks or so, there was a rug pull (except when 2017 fall when btc went straight up while everything bled).
Right now, i am not sure that is yet, what i would consider a top would be for eth, xmr, zec, btc, to all move up together strongly for almost a week, every day nice moves up. Then... we get a day of -20% btc or more, and -30-60 % on every alt / btc. Major major rekt. Then we trend down for 2 months+ until the fall sometime.
It could all dump right now, but I am not sure its going up or down, when it all goes up like I said, thats when I think the local top is.
In the end its a 100% complete guess (based on the past... anecdotal memories)
if move down/up happens i think its soon, not sept. maybe this month, maybe the low in mid/end aug 2020. at same time i think, well markets all going up to election, but lets see.
cool. played uniswap for 2 months after this, didnt sell as i planned tho, cant win em all.

