
Key Risk Management in Crypto

The current chart presented shows an important Trait traders must have to avoid exposing themselves to the market too much..

The simple fact of Trading is that you will never achieve 100% accuracy all of the time. You don't need to do this to make money, so long as your risk management plan CATERS for market swings.

since market swings are inevitable parts of Trading, you also need to make sure it is quintessential in your trading plan.

In this particular scenario, the points labelled describe how you may have thought it was 'great' to long here. And, you would've achieved reasonable prices at the time, however, the Trader who Bet the WHOLE Farm on it will be crunched. Betting evertyhing on one thing is not a long term process. It is for short term gamblers, so NEVER do it, especially with HVA's.

Trade LIGHTLY and trade with the stages of the market.

