
ETH long term forecast based on comparison with AMZN

Vaporware starts vanishing, strong indexes starts looking tasty. Honestly, almost everyone waits for proper level to jump in.

How to recognize that this is it?
The answer is: You can't. Markets need fuel and this means a lot of people have to buy so the price can dump more creating more pesimistic picture. The overall sentiment needs to be very negative to announce panic in whole space. The best advice for You is to be very patient and at this stage not to play on margin trading. The reason is obvious : if You let them take Your money now suddenly You can't jump in and You won't be able to accumulate that effective.

Of course, someone could be right that buying now is great idea. I do not put in doubt that ETH/USD could flash to even $300 levels just during Christmas. This is cryptospace and it almost doesn't differ from standard stock market (volatility is the top difference). IMO We will have to punish the enthusiasm once more and start floating because the physics works exactly this way here :)

Usually I don't look at two different charts finding golden comparison. But recently I have experienced the feelings very similar to dot.com bubble burst. Check the chart I attached below where You can find AMZN index with early stages of growing.
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