
Bitcoin and ETH - consensus on a play Upward is probably wrong

Hello Folks

I still haven't had time to write the story behind them and what their plans are for the ENTIRE PLANET.

If you have NOT been living under a rock, you know my manipulation theories are proving to be true in the news.
However, people are still laughing at my larger conspiracy theories.

Nor do I really care...
As long as my forecasts make ME money, I laugh all the way to the bank.
Note: as an altruist, I always share my knowledge... anyone is welcome to explore what I reveal.

It does take some skills to find the Wilt Theory patterns BEFORE they are completely obvious.
And the chart above, well it's obvious that TEAM EVIL is repeating an a previous play.

NOT abandoning TA... but it seems to be good very short term at the moment...
Some TA is still required for general hourly movement predictions..
but the fate of Bitcoin(BTC) and Ethereum is already sealed for the next 6 months.
About Play 00

Many well known analysts in the public media are FINALLY supporting a big fall. That's because TEAM EVIL already shoved us in that direction. In fact, Team Evil even influences the media (but let's not get into that today.) Don't feign surprise, you already know fake news is BIG BUSINESS these days. But according to the IDEA that the pattern 'A' in my chart is significantly similar to the pattern 'B' ... we cannot ignore how much ENERGY and INFLUENCE it takes to make something like this happen.. on totally different resistance/support levels and a different scale.

Play 01

You cannot imagine how badly I want this play UPWARD to materialize. Maybe if all the billionaires in the world had a crypto event, like the BILLIONAIRE MAD MAD MAD CRYPTO BASH.. with all the 'bull' celebrities attending.. that could be enough to cancel all the FUD. I can't see GOOD news.. I do not have a crystal ball.. so I would argue that the mood of the world is not going to change drastically until June 12.. perhaps when N Korea signs those damn papers...

