
Double Bottom on EUR/AUD, Possible reversal.

** UPDATE - the red box is supposed to be LOSS ZONE not profit.

a double bottom is clearly visible on the pair Euro / Australian Dollar in all time frames from 4H and under.
previous price action would suggest it is set for a reversal.

an entry after price has closed above the highest wicks in the 'ENTRY' zone would be a good trade in my personal opinion.

valuable economic news relating to both pairs and their respective economies:
Australia: abc.net.au/news/2020-05-10/coronavirus-victorian-economy-hit-government-budget-decisions/12229414
Europe: ec.europa.eu/commission/presscorner/detail/en/SPEECH_20_845

i am in no way sponsored by any of the links I have shared and earn no commissions from doing so, educational purposes only.

