
Weekly trend swing trading idea Eur/Aud

Here you can find my weekly trade ideas.

I have an unconventional style, you should know that before you look at my ideas.

All trades amount to Fundamental, Economical, Mathematical, - Technical information.

Every week on Sunday there is an update because new information is published over the period. Depending on how these end, the trade is either closed "early" or it continues on its way towards TP (Take Profit)

CRV (opportunity-risk ratio) is ALWAYS 1 to 3, (slight percentage deviations may occur, as entry and exit are calculated per volume)

Trading style includes hedge and trend based swing trading and position trading approaches. (estimated duration of swing trades: 2-6 weeks, position trades: 2-8 months)

You are welcome to take over the trades if you want. But I would recommend you to bring your own experiences with you and use them. The trading style does not suit everyone and that is absolutely normal. You can also break the trades down to the smaller time Frames.

Enjoy and take what you need.

Have a good and successful week!

Trade is Market Entry!!!!
Sad Stop, but it is what it is.
Thats Normal in Trading.
-80 Pips

