歐元 / 英鎊


HOW you can get control of your emotions when trading

So if trading is stressful or a rollercoaster, you're not alone. 🎢

BUT, its quite a simple fix really.🤔

You're pushing things a little too hard. Chasing an expectation that in return is causing you stress.😢

Thing is, its actually pushing you further away from your long term goals too.

Long term hopes and dreams, short term thinking, greed and poor decision making.

A fear over your running trades constantly watching them on screen. You aren't listening or paying attention to what is going on around you.📱

It can be different though....

Think about it..🤔

If you had a £10,000 account and traded 0.01 on 1 or 2 pairs - would you be stressed? 🧘‍♂️

No. Thought not.😅

The fear would be gone, you wouldn't be bothered - why?

Because your risk is F all. The other upside is you would be fine letting your winners run too.💪🏻

So, instead of chasing money - focus on how you want to feel and work back from it.😳

If you have a £500 account - what risk are you truly comfortable with at any one time?

What losing run could you experience based on your strategy win rate his could you factor this in too.

If you traded 1 pair at 0.01 I am confident you would feel ok; but trading 0.1/0.2 etc on a few pairs and you won't be.

So, what am I saying?

Strip it back, get comfortable - no one likes to feel stressed and worried over their trades BUT in return you will need to realign your expectations to the long game. 🤝

Think - 2-5 years.🤔

Not how much you can make in a day/week.... you simply won't survive.👍🏻

