In order for your strategy to start making a profit, it takes time, patience and discipline, no matter if you bought it or developed it yourself.
To see the weaknesses and strengths of the strategy, you need to test it, and this means strict adherence to the rules for a long time.
At some point, there may come a situation when it is worth abandoning the strategy in order to develop further.
But when should it be done?
That's what I want to talk about today.
How to understand that the strategy is outdated and it's time to get rid of it?
I present to you four signs that it's time to get rid of the strategy:
1. Inability to follow the rules
Any strategy implies rules to be followed.
Take a look at the list below:
• It is too specific;
• It is extremely uncertain;
• It's too complicated;
• Contains a large number of items/rules.
If your strategy contains these items, it's probably time to get rid of it.
The strategy should not be too complicated, otherwise you will not be able to use it. At the same time, it should be understandable.
If you don't understand your strategy and can't change it, make it easier, then it's time to throw it away.
2. You spend a lot of effort and end up getting nothing
Do you sit in front of a monitor screen all day all week?
Do you compare a large number of indicators to confirm the signal?
Does your strategy require you to turn to the sun and recite the alphabet in reverse order at exactly 5:30 in the morning?
If it is inconvenient for you to use your system consistently for long periods of time, or if you believe that it brings plus or minus the same number of points of profit in comparison with not using it at all, then it's probably time to look at other options.
3. You lose more than you gain
This applies to those who prefer to buy ready-made strategies from other people.
Although not all strategies available on the market are "divorce", the chances that you have chosen one of them are very high. If your signal provider generates more various signals for entering and exiting the market every month than real profits, then it's time to admit your mistake.
The same applies if you use your own system, but pay a lot of money for subscribing to some data - you should also think about replacing your strategy with another one.
4. It just doesn't make a profit
There is not much to say here.
If you have shown due diligence and tested your strategy, tried to revise it, adjust it and launch it in various market conditions.
If it still won't bring you profit, then obviously it's time to move on in search of a new strategy.
Thank you for your time – I hope this will help you and your trading.