
EUR initially made up losses against the US by midday on Tuesday

The common currency recently cost 1.0845 dollars, slightly more than in the morning.
Nevertheless, the euro-dollar exchange rate is only slightly above its lowest level since mid-December. The European Central Bank (ECB) set the reference rate at $1.0823 on Monday afternoon.

growth data from the Eurozone turned out to be slightly better than expected.
With stagnation in the 2023 quarter, the euro area was just able to avoid a technical recession. Analysts had expected a further decline in economic output. In the largest economy, Germany, the economy shrank by a clear 0.3 percent. Development stagnated in France, while Italy and especially Spain were able to make gains.

Data on the housing market and consumer sentiment are expected in the USA in the afternoon. The US Federal Reserve's interest rate meeting also begins. The monetary authorities will announce their decisions on Wednesday evening

