
Buy set up ( Up coming )

Moat think stock market is easy money , but reality is you need heard work , Proper education and You need a Confidence to trade your belief

When you trade Real Money You will understand the Pain of sitting on MTM loss , When you know you have done error You will realize Pain of Getting out with Loss of capital

When your trade runs towards target every early booking before it makes to target you will penalize your misconduct

All those errors will make you not to repeat the same errors in up coming trades if only you understand your errors correctly

But few people are completely against it , they think making money is hiring 3 to 4 telegram analyst and Take trade who is giving best on that day

They will end up losing all the Capital eventually because every trade will have some set back

The only solution to Makes things better way is to learn your self ,

This scrip is very high likely will make one more move down before it makes to equal recent high ,

One can wait for this down move to complete for entry as buy set up for this short range move

Good luck

We booked our holding , the pattern i was looking for down move invalidated ,

Some time it happens when Results or Earning reports due
