Artificial Superintelligence Alliance

FET is very Wyckoffy right now!

TLDR — FET is cleared for takeoff.

FET on the 15 minute view has just printed a near perfect Wyckoff Cycle with phases A though D... and is now in phase E before the next leg up.

FET did not pump on with the Trump effect. But now it looks like it's ready to move into the next leg of the cycle.

So I am bullish on FET at the moment. I believe It will reac over the $2.00 range soon.
Yeah.....too soon... didnt' work out... this was more Murphy law than Adam and Eve pattern has formed... so this is gonna tank even more.
Though the shake out 5 days ago spoooked me... the analysis I presented is apparently playing out, and I intend to jump back in within a day of this post. Thank you all.. please hit the rocket a few times for me!

