
Go Premium @ Trading view Charting

Friends this Charting software is amazing , very smooth and elegant in look

Today i am so happy that they Made Noise less charts more efficient and easy to Go ,

I am Good advocate for Noise less charting including Kagi, Scatter dots , HLC , and My top pick is Point & Figure Charting

today they added 1 step back ward , print of Box/ 0 , which will help any trader who is having a Long term vision and also who is positioned with heavy investments to understand exactly what is going on in the market

for instance Gail i have long term vision of 140+ target , but today you saw the crowd how it behaved but when i check the same with Noise less charting the view is still intact and its very much good for position trade ,

if any one of you have an Opportunity of Extra Funds with you and if you really want to make a best benefit then Go for Premium charting up grade

tats the best tool i have ever seen

I am posting in Excitement as i love this software it also required knowledge of using these Noise less charting so one can take better advantage out form this software

its my personal Opinion wish you all the best to everyone
Good luck

