$GBP vs. $NZD Mulls 50% Decine To 2.03526 | #BOE #forex $USD
Predictive/Forecasting Model had already suggested imminent decline (see prior analysis in my threads). In this particular pair, a primary, quantitative target emerges at significant historical structural levels - See line-up of highlights in following chart:
In the background, a nascent geometry is taking shape, carving out a speculative Point-4, so expect a denouement in the following week.
Invalidation levels should be considered at transgression of geometry's Point-2. Again, Point-4 remains speculative as to its final residence.
Per Predictive/Forecasting Model, the outlook turns BEARISH. As the Predictive/Forecasting Model mulls the data, added qualitative/quantitative targets will be posted as we move along.
David Alcindor Predictive Analysis & Forecasting Durango, Colorado - USA