GBPTRY - Great Holiday Time :)

Starting September 2nd I'll be on holiday in Turkey for 2 weeks.

I've managed to time this holiday pretty perfect, looking at the charts we can see it's been in a steep UP TREND since 2nd of July, although it could be argued it happened after the RANGE BREAKOUT in May.

GBP is now extremely strong to TRY, meaning we get more TURKISH LIRA for our GREAT BRITISH POUND.

If your planning a holiday any time soon, this is the time to exchange your currency.

I will be watching in the coming weeks to see what happens, hopefully we can keep this steep uptrend for several weeks, either way i'm happy to be exchanging my GBP to TRY within 2 weeks.

It's highly probable this up trend will not last, so make the most of it while you can, i'm confident that by the time i'm home the situation will have changed. To me, it looks like we may be about to enter into a range in the coming days.

I'm watching and waiting for either a pullback or a range breakout for entry/exchange, it's NOT a good idea to enter near the top.

Either way, from a travel view point rather than a trader, it's a great time to holiday to TURKEY!

