Hello friends.
Here is an interesting observation. When you adjust the United States GDP numbers by the United States M2 Money Supply (Supply of dollars), it turns out that it has been dropping substantially since 1997. This means that adjusted for the abuse of the dollar, US GDP has been falling for the past 26 years! It seems logical to make this kind of adjustment since when we have more money, the GDP will obviously rise, but that doesn't mean that there has been actual growth. It turns out most of our economy's growth was really just money printing, and there has not been enough innovation in recent decades to cause some true growth that outpaces the printer. At this time, we would need the GDP to proceed at a breakneck pace of around 10% per year in order for the GDP to simply stay flat with the money printer. We think this won't occur any time soon, and the recession will continue right up until superintelligent AI is developed which will bring about so much innovation that GDP may finally outpace debasement.