#GeneralElectric #Turnaround after 20 years? #GE #GEC
I 👍 to Move it Move it; I 👍 to Move it Move it; I 👍 to Move it ---> You Move to? 👍 it!
As it looks, General Electric's stock could turn around. Certainly, this is a process that does not happen overnight because of almost 20 years downward movement. But from a long term Investment perspective of 5-10 years, an entry could be exciting. After catastrophic Q.1 2020 and maybe slightly better Q.2 data comes on July 29, 2020, we should take a closer look at the stocks again.
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t.me/stefan_bode_analysen Zins oder Dividende? Aktien oder Anleihen? Was sind Wandeloptionsanleihen?
Immobilien oder Rohstoffe?
Rinderfarm in Südamerika.
Geld richtig investieren!