Games for a Living | GFAL 💎

The price of Games for a Living aka GFAL is $0.041 today with a 24hour trading volume of $1,318,658 which represents a 19% price increase in the past 7 days and 800% gain in 7 month with a circulating supply of 1.6 Billion GFAL, Games for a Living is valued at a market cap of $64 million dollar.

Games for a Living is a collaborative venture of industry visionaries including Manel Sort (CEO), the former First Vice President at Activision Blizzard King, founder and former CEO of both Electronic Arts and Digital Chocolate, Javier León (Art Director), an Emmy Award Nominee, Marc Tormo (CCO) both ex-Blizzard Entertainment, Carlos Blanco and Ernest Sánchez, both entrepreneurial leaders in the field of new technologies, with numerous achievements backing their expertise. The management team alone boasts a combined experience of 140 years in building and growing video game startups.

Every game within the GFAL ecosystem is woven together by the GFAL token. As the exclusive and principal currency, Gfal underpins every transaction, every reward, and every digital collectible across our entire gaming portfolio. Games for a Living offers a unique approach to Web3 gaming by resolving current issues by focusing on quality, accessibility, and reach. They develop games with web3 features that provide frictionless access, usability, and free2play, cross-platform, and localized gaming experiences.

They leverage blockchain technology to enable enhanced experiences, verifiable proof of ownership, and asset trading and create new opportunities for social interaction and innovative business models. Additionally, they aim to add value to existing gaming models without forcing conventional gamers to adopt web3 mechanics, using emerging technologies to enhance performance and create immersive experiences while keeping things fun.

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