For last 3 years ROCE/ROE>35, CAGR for last 5 years>35, CMP<Intrinsic Value(261), trading below DMA 50/200, PEG<1, Stock P/E<Sector P/E, NO DEBT with surplus in Reserves and Investments, key support lies from Rs.170 to 180, waiting for a trigger to go up.
Note: Promoters reduced their stake -4 % in last 3 years, still majority holdings belong to owned by them.
An educational service provider and expert consultancy firm it is headquartered in Mumbai, is an ISO 9001: 2015 certified company.
It offers Business Management Consulting Services and advices to over 36+ major organizations and institutes.
Over 83% of the work for Global Education has originated from existing clients and their referrals.